
Weekend Recap!!!

Well, it's Monday again. Doesn't it seem like you turn around and its always Monday? But, in a way I'm uber excited for this week. Dubs on Defrost 2 is 5 days away, my friends Sondra && Dean.O (who are finally back together!!! yaya!!!) are coming up Friday from PA for this lovely car show && I have Friday off!!!!

Anyways, on to my famous weekend recap:

- went to the movies with Mustang Mike, my bestie && her boyfriend.
-Mustang Mike came to pick me up, && my mom && dad were outside doing yard work, my dad heard his car, && totally loved it.
-went to the movies for 815, but the Haunting in Ct was sold out, go figure.
-so we went to Applebee's && had some drinks && appretizers.
-saw the 930 showing. not a bad movie. GO SEE IT!!
{{rep my state, && the town I work in, it says Goatswood, which is a section of Southington btw!}}
-pretty much went home afterwards because I was pooped.

-ended up going out with the ex for a little while.
-then went && picked up J.Wilt.
-we drove around for a while and went to the mall.
-dropped the ex off because he had work && then went to visit Jess && her daughter Tiffany, && to see Jess' bro Preston, who just joined the Navy && is at Groton Sub Base.
-we chilled out && made some steak && potatoes && corn, soo good.
-then J.Wilt && I drove Preston back to the sub base && went home.
-beeedddd. lol.

-got up, went out to lunch && then to the exs, where i finally put on my lowering springs!
-it took forever to do the fronts!!! the ex and his dad did most of the work only because im not physically capable of doing somethings.
-soo finally around 8, got the fronts done.
-took a break && went && got some yummy wings.
-went back && did the rears.
-in the meantime all that was happening, i painted my engine cover && tried to repaint my grill. lol.
-but i smudged my engine cover because it wasnt completely dryy && the grill just didnt cooperate.
-soo just gotta repaint that, && tada charlie will be ready for DoD2!

It was a crazyy good time. =)

2 you know you love me.:

Rhonda said...

Hi there....just dropping in to say thanks for the comment you left me the other day. You have a very fun way of writing and I LOVE your style.

Always fun to meet new bloggers. Hope you come back to visit again.

Bon Don said...

Fun weekend! ... I'm excited about Mustang Mike