
Insert Something Clever Here.

It's 3:41pm, do you know where you're kids are? [[lol]] As you can tell, I'm in a super random/tiredish kinda mood.

Anyways, tonight I'm going to my friend Lou's birthday dinner with all the other dubber friends..woot woot. Then possibly going to Coco's new "crib" to party, but I'm not really sure. Then it's to bed. I have to wake up tomorrow, shower && pack for PA. (woot going yet again!) Leaving sometime around 1 or 2, when Lil B gets outta work. So, of course on my weekend recap on Monday, that's what it's going to be about.

In other news. I'm getting slightly annoyed. With the ex. He's been pretty persistant in his weekly questionning of my feelings. And every week, it's the same. I don't know. Cause honestly, I don't! I ENJOY being single. Yes, that's right. ME. Now you're probably like so what?? Plenty of women enjoy being single. Nope, not usually me. I always quick have a bf. Saw my ex best friend from high school last night at the mall. This is what she says:

Jess: So, what's the deal with you and the ex?
Me: Nothing, we're just friends.
Jess: Oh, so you think you're ever going to go back to him.
Me: I don't know, right now I just want to be single.
Jess: Wait, you're single?
Me: Yes, and I like it that way.
Jess: But, you, you never ever are single. Usually you have a guy right away.
Me: Thanks, Jesssssss.

Yes, I will fully admit that is true. Becauase I HATE being alone. Which is something I have been working on, and it's not so bad. I'm just enjoying life at the moment, I'm enjoying doing what I want, enjoying working on my car, cruisin, going to volkswagen shows.

BP made me who I am today. I'm stronger, more independent. I believe in myself. He may think I'm just some crazy, or whatever he wants to think..but I'm def. in a much happier place with myself. =) It's amazing.

For now, being single is working out for me. I'll admit I do have interest in someone, but right now, we are just chillen, and that's fine by me.

It's the Dub Life. For me.

2 you know you love me.:

Bon Don said...

I'm so happy for you doll! I'm glad you good with being single & free :)

Who needs a bf when you have a bad ass car right!?

rachaelgking said...

Trust me, love... it's really important to be FREE (oh, I mean single ;-) for a while! And eventually, I promise, you'll start to *really* like being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want!