
Weird Shiz #5

So to end [hopefully] this very odd week I've had, I present you with #5. I have possible iritis. What is irits? Well this handy dandy cute little paper tells me that it is the inflammation of the iris. Thank you left eye. The pain came on suddenly last night and I honestly thought that it was just my eyes being tired because I do work on the computer all day.

I went to bed with the good intention that I would feel better in the morning, but that was not the case. The pain became a little more annoying so I went to the walk-in down the street from work and dragged LB with me. A series of tests later and a deep look into my eyes revealed that I have a tiny bit of it in my right eye and a good amount in my left.

I have to take eye drops 4x a day which dilates my pupil and apparently will also cause me to have blurred vision from a few hours up to a week. Oh joy. Which means, I can't do my most favorite thing of all, driving. I have to wear my sunglasses often tooo.

Geeez, so thank you eye for being an asshole. I throughly appreciate the pain and the fact that for the next week I'll probably remain semi blinded. =(

1 you know you love me.:

Sheri, RN said...

Ouch, sounds painful and really quite annoying :( Hope it goes away soon! Oh and... P.S. - weird stuff leave Nickie alone! :)