
So I Now Know Why CT Outlaws Explosives.

I almost blew my finger off. LB had a whole pack of those tiny long firecrackers that make really loud bangs and have a super short wick. Well, one came off of a bunch, like a little lost grape. I lit it, looked at it, and then threw it. It cracked right next to me. Another second longer and I might have lost a pinky finger. And goddam I need my weird popping pinky. I can't just go thru life with one!

I digress.


-got up, and then went out with CM. We went to a bunch of stores and the mall. And honestly, the more I go shopping with her, the more depressed I get. Mainly because I'm so poor I can only stare at clothes. Damn cig habit and driving habit.
-after all "her" shopping, I dropped her off and picked up Swan. We couldn't figure out anything to do, soo we drove around a bit. Then his laddii called && we decided to go down to the beach for fireworks.
-I picked her up and the three of us went down. Online it said 930pm it started but apparently it was over then! So, we went around town, and somehow ended up in Orange where CTEuroSpec hangs out. They were already gone from their spot at Best Buy, so I texed thatskinnykid and found out they were at G35's. No sense in going there.
-We found ice cream though, and got some. =) Poor Swan's girly dropped her Cake Batter Ice Cream right off the cone because it was hard ice cream. =(
-Then we headed back home and I went to a very cranky LB's house because he didn't get to join in our fun because he had to work both jobs. ((subway && wings))

-it started out with a big fight between LB and I.
-we couldn't decide what to do for the evening because Swan's dad didn't buy any fireworks and he wasn't having a party. =(
-soo we just kinda sat there fighting for a while.
-eventually we decided to light off some fireworks he had left over from the previous 2 yrs. ((explosives and anything off the ground is techinically illegal in CT, gayy!))
-we got some food at the store and Swan and his laddii came over. We ate, played with fireworks, and then left to go watch the fireworks near a hotel down the street from Lake Compounce. ((the nations oldest continusouly running amusement park lol))
-they ended up sucking because they weren't very high and the show didn't last very long this year.
-its almost like they bought the mortar kits we got from PA last year.((hmmmmm))
-then we went and watched Bride Wars at Swans. It was ok, but halfway through I got a wicked migrane and felt sick to my stomach.
-the movie ended, we left, went back to LB's where I curled up and slept till about 230 in the am and then left to go home && sleep in my own huge comfy bed.

-got up and ready.
-went to get some food with LB, to the game store && then to CMs to check out the place.
-LB ended up leaving because he didn't wanna help clean. ((hes not a big fan of CM))
-sooo you know the story. ((previous post, here.))
-after he came to pick me up, I made him some mac && cheese, played some Call of Duty && watched some Disney.
-then he went to sleep && I played some games on his laptop && then went home.

It was an ok weekend minus the fighting and the boredom and the fact that Swan got stuff confused and thought that we had to take a boat to a party at a cottage on the beach at GTI Bri's. He's special. Seriously.

1 you know you love me.:

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

yep, I almost blew my finger off too- so YAY FOR HAVING FINGERS ON MONDAY !