
Weekend Recap, Waterfest 15 Edition

It's Monday..again. Ugh x100000. I'm so tired from the weekend but it was a pretty sweet weekend! =)
So, let me get to this special edition of the weekend recap!

- got outta work.
-went to LB's house, he was feeling like crap. =(
-so we rented Gran Torino, ordered some Chili's To-Go, and chilled out for the nite.
-I headed home around midnite.

-got up around 7am.
-took a shower, got dressed, did my hair, finished packing && wiped Charlie down. =)
-headed over to LB's where we chilled out for the afternoon.
-around 3pm, I said bye to him, got gas && headed off to pick up Swan && EM.
-we left around 330 && were finally New Jersey bound. ((woot woot))
- we got into New York && planned on taking 287 to go over the Tappanzee Bridge, but I didn't know to go east or west && Swan was following my GPS, which I knew would take me over the George Washington. ::sigh::
-after sitting in traffic for like ever, we finally got onto the GW.
-by 7pm, we were at our hotel! =)
-we checked in, put all our stuff in the room, and headed out to the gtg at Chilis on US-1.
-we got there around 8pm, and walked around, looking for people we knew.
-my ex best friend && I had made plans before we left to chill out, so she eventually texted me && told me that she was next door at the Hampton Inn. So, we ventured over && found Mr. West, AC, and her.
-we talked for a while && then ventured back over to the gtg.
-we were headed back to the car to put the camera stuff away when I heard a familiar voice.
-the voice of Dylan, the kid that likes to talk shit about me for no goddam reason.
-he was in the car in front of none other than BP.
-he rolled his window down && we conversated before he said that he was going to park, and that he would come find me again.
-i ended up seeing him making his away around again, we exchanged a look, && then some people prompted him to do a burnout, so he did one, && that bascially started the whole, let's be gay && do burnouts, oh wait, heerre comes the cops bs.
-anyways, when we were going back to the car to put stuff away, we ended up meeting up with Trav, his brother && their friend.
-shortly after we walked back over, the cops came && kicked us out.
-so we ended up cruisin down to Friday's after getting lost because, there is no left-hand U-turns in NJ. No, you have to bascially exit, head to a light && then take a left. ((it sucks!!!))
-we chilled out there for a while && headed to the hotel next door where a whole crap load of people where drinking && doing I don't even know.
-cops were present, but they were just drivin thru the crowd, making sure no one was doing anything really stupid.
-then we heard a boom, like someone knocked something over, so we decided to leave && cruise some more.
-after about a half hr of cruisin, we headed back to our hotel. What was supposed to be a 10 min drive turned into a hour drive, because my GPS kept getting confused.
-finally we found the way, && were back to our hotel around 1am.

-woke up around 10am to a text message from thatskinnykid that said, "almost there."
-so we all got up, got ready, packed up && checked out.
-we headed to Dunkin Donuts && got some much needed coffee && food.
-thatskinnykid ended up calling me && asking where i was, && i told him about half an hr.
-we didn't end up getting to show till 1200 because of the ridic amount of traffic.
-we parked && walked in, found thatskinnykid in the APR booth getting his car reflashed by some effin creeper.(srsly!)
-so we talked for a bit && then walked around for a while.
-said hi to J, his car was in the Revo booth on display. =)
-walked around some more, && went to see the exhibition cars.
-ran into Sar && Spinney && then we all headed over to get root beer floats.
-where we ran into BP, said hi, asked him when he was going home, && then he left with his friends.
-walked around some more, found Stinky from PA && said hii to him.
-then we headed back over to chill with thatskinnykid.
-he ended up going out to the parking lot to grill..we stayed behind for a while && then headed out there tooo.
-we said hello to everyone && then I went to sit in my car.
-I was so incredibly tirrrreddd.
-thatskinnykid ended up being the nice guy that he is came && sat with us. =)
-around 5, we decided to leave bc everyone else already left or wasn't going to. (lol)
-then we headed to Wendy's got some food, && then headed on the road.
-about a half an hr in to being on the Garden State we noticed a guy in a green Audi from Rhode Island && 2 guys in a MK2 Jetta.
-since I have EZ-Pass thanks to the rents, I can just fly right thru tolls.
-so at one toll, we ended up losing them..until about 15 mins later when the two guys from CT came flying up && waved too us.
-from then on, it was on like Donkey Kong.
-we played cat && mouse after every toll, && at one point we even had to pull over, because it was either we go the Saw Mill or we go 287.
-we finally saw them, && about 20 mins we were back in CT.
-we ended up bypassing 684, && following them at 95.
-then we came to service area && all got off bc me && EM had to pee && the guys needed gas.
- EM && I ended up going back outside to find Swan && he was already talking to our new friends.
-we talked to them for about 2 hrs, hahaha && then I dropped EM off && then Swan && went to see LB who was of course cranky with me because I took extra hours to talk to some nice dubbers.
-i hung out with cranky butt for a while && then headed home.

Which brings me to now. I'm so freakin tirrredd. I would love to see my bed, && sleep with it. =) That would be totally awesome. But all in all it was an awesome weekend!!! I can't wait for h20!!! =)

2 you know you love me.:

Bon Don said...

Aww what a fabulous weekend! Makes me want to go to a Dub Show! :)

btw thx 4 keeping me "cool" and telling me what reflashing means! hahaha ;)

Sheri, RN said...

Great weekend! Hope next weekend goes awesome too. :)