
Rain Rain Go Away!

                                        [[Em && I trying to take a pic with Swan's other camera]]

Yup, its raining yet again. Really this El Nino or La Nina or whoever Nino/Nina thing needs to go away! It's just pushing the good ol moisture up here in a repetative cycle that makes me wanna lob children at it. Of course I'm joking, I would never lob children at an incoming storm, no I'd lob llamas.

I digress.

I feel like stright up poo again today. =( I felt like poo yesterday. Clearly, weekend road trips and excessive driving kick my butt like no other. Maybe, it's a sign I should't clench my steering wheel like a crazy woman on the Tappanazee because I'm actually making fun of chick who was chewing hers.

Since, I've been on a strange routine this weekend, it just keeps stranger. Like, we are talking, BP and I are friends on Facebook. It all happened like this:

I was on Facebook reading all the statuses of my dub homies, when I came across a status with lots of people liking it. So, I clicked on it to see who liked it, when I noticed that BP unblocked me or whatever he did, because his profile was now clickable and I could see his pic. So, I clicked on it and sent him a friend request because well, why not? I didn't expect him to accept it, but sure enough, two hours later, he was my friend on Facebook.

Now, I all know what you're thinking. Nickie, do you not remember how he called the cops on you? Why yes, yes I do. But, ya know what. We talk at car shows now. I think we are over the whole let's hate each other thing because it's pointless because we were such good friends to begin with and yea I had the same recurring memory about us meeting at this exact Chili's over the weekend too.

And ok, its strange to see that he still has in the activites section that he enjoys spending time with the love of his life, Nickie. And a bunch of quotes I said...because, well why didn't you delete it? Hmmmm? Oh well. Profile maintence is not that big of a deal.

Anyways, at the current moment I would enjoy curling up in a big ball on my bed under my blankets watchin daytime television. But that's not gonna happen today, so onward with work. I know, I don't have a lot to say. Bad me.  ((Lol))

0 you know you love me.: