

Sheri from Sheri's World tagged me to answer these questions. And so therefore I'm doing that. Thanks Sheri!!!!!!!!!!! =D

1. Do you think you're hot?
I don't think I'm hot. I think I'm cute or good looking but not hott.

2. Upload your favorite picture of you.
3. Why do you like that picture?
I like that picture because it describes me best. I can be girly (pigtails) but I also have a boyish side to myself. (hat) Plus I think I look cute && sporty. =D

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Um. No clue to be honest.

5. The last song you listened to?
Whatever is on the radio at the moment.

6. The last movie you watched?
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button.

7. Last restaurant you ate at?

8. Last book you fully read?

9. What are you doing right now, besides this?

10. What name do you prefer besides your own?
Um. No clue. Snickie, Nick (sometimes).

Now 5 People to Be Tagged.
1. My Everyday Soap (Opera)
2. Confessions of a Twenty Something Yr Old
3. The Invention of My Life
4. Sex and the Traveling Satchel
5. Perpetual Burn

Anyhoodle, not to exciting answers. Sorry. =(

Anyway, you've been tagged by default! =D If you're name wasn't selected, tag yourself anyway!! =D

1 you know you love me.:

Sheri, RN said...

You're welcome for the tag! That is a very cool picture of you too btw :)