
Another Award! Thaankks!!

The lovely Bon Don at Who Throws A Cupcake? Honestly? has given me the You Are Truly Beautiful Award! Thanks hun! I appreciate that you think I'm truly beautiful! <3

The award of course come with a few rules:
Find the 7 most beautiful ladies that you follow.

Give them this award.
Hopefully it'll truly mean something to each and everyone of them.
Don't be shy to give it to the same person!
Don't forget to tell them!
Now onto the 7 laddieess. And anyone else that reads this blog can accept this award too! All you laddies are beautiful!

Thanks everyone!

3 you know you love me.:

amy (metz) walker said...

Hi Nicki! I am so so sorry it took me so long to get over here and thank you for my award! You are so sweet to think of me...

Thank you!

Sheri, RN said...

Aww thanks for the award! I just saw I got it! Going to post it now! :)

Tia said...

thank you!