
It's Time For Change.

So, first let me apologize for the ridiculous pics I took with said banana and baberz. We were a little bit hyper and of course our retarded selves. That's love right there people. =) We weren't even drunk which I suppose makes those pictures even funnier. We were laughing so hard, his mom came up and asked us what we were doing. She just looked at us like we were on crack.

Anyway, today is the big day. The historic moment is just two hours away. I'm stoked! Except, um, for the fact that I'm at work. So, from my computer I will view this moment. Quietly of course so not to distrub the rest of the office unless they'd enjoy taking part in this momentous moment. I could just watch it later, but I know the same feeling won't be there.

I'll get a chill (very rare) and just smile as he's sworn in and then makes his speech. Goodbye Bush! It's quite funny and almost saddening how no one cares about Bush anymore. Like who? Our President is Obama now.

Ok, so it's not really saddening. He ruined our country. Affected tons of jobs, families, health care. One day, I'm going to look back and tell my kids about everything I've witnessed in my life. 9/11, Hurrican Katrina, the wars in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and now the nation's first black president.

So, I'm ready. Ready for change.

3 you know you love me.:

Anonymous said...

Preach it!

Bon Don said...

We had a president before Obama?

Marissa said...

I am so excited about Obama!!!