
A Special Edition of Unsent Letters.

I've decided I just to vent this all out, so here we go.

Dear Future Father in Law,
You're an alchoholic. You know this. We don't need to spell it out for you. You may be uncontrobally drunk but you are well aware that you are a complete and utter asshole. I don't know what to say to you when you ask me about my views on you're problem. I can't say I've ever really experienced this. I come from a very straight family where the only problem we have is that Memere is getting old and cynial.

I wish you would get help. Yes, you've done the standarized classes from getting a D.U.I. But, do you ever stop and think about your son? The only kid you've got? The one that has to have a boy with me to carry on the family name, you're family name. Do you ever stop and think that if you keep going on like this, you won't live to see you're grandchildren? Do you ever stop and think about how your dad died of the same cause? Do you ever stop and think about how your diabetic and too much sugar could kill you, so you shouldn't even be drinking!

No, you don't. You have an addiction and you need help before I call Intervention on your ass. This is not funny. It's not funny to giggle when you ask me what I think of you as a father in law and I shrug my shoulders while giving you a dirtee look.

I don't know what to do. Your son already has anxiety..and if you were to die, he'd probably die right along with you. And that is something I don't need happening. So, please for us clean you're act up. I love you.

0 you know you love me.: