

Thanks so much to Sheri @ Sheri's World for The Adorable Blog Award && the Queen of All Things Awe-summm Award!!! Sheri was my first Blogger Best Friend && she's given me some great advice! So, check out her blog, because she is a parnormal investigator, she runs her own business with her mom, and she writes "Flashback Friday," her weekly series about things we watched or wore or did when we were kids! ((Pstt David the Gnome!))

The rules are to:

Include the award logo in your blog or post.

Nominate as many blogs which you like.

Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.


List 7 things that make you awe-summm and then pass to 7 bloggers that you love.

Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know that they have won!

Also link back to the Queen that tagged you.

1) I play Xbox Live!

2) I know stuff about cars. =)

3) I'm always there for my friends

4) I'm the mother of one...........Volkswagen Rabbit.

5) I won 2nd place @ a car show last year for my class. ((A5 Stock))

6) I'm retarded.

7) I'm me!

Now to tag 7 ladiies;;you get both awards because you're all pretty damn awesome && all you're blogs are adorable. =D

1) Calixta.Jive @ ...Call Me Captain Backfire

2) LiLu @ Live It, Love it

3) Georgette @ Can't Hardly Wait

4) Bon Don @ Who Throws A Cupcake? Honestly.

5) Desert Rat @ Runaway Train.

6) Marissa @ The Shared Journey.

7) YGIU@ Your Girlfriend Is Ugly.

Congrats Ladiies, you are amazing! Thanks for reading! =D

4 you know you love me.:

Sheri, RN said...

Awww you are very very welcome and you are one of my awesome bloggie BFFs too! :)

rachaelgking said...

David the Gnome! To this day I desperate want my own fox to ride on!

Thanks so much, love. You are the bestest :-)

Marissa said...

Thank you soooo much!!! You made my day. :) Seriously! You are fantabulous blogger.

calixta.jive. said...

thanks hun!!!