
"Did You Just Squeeze Your Chocolate Milk In Hopes It Was An Odd Voo-doo Doll?"

SO. I did not go to Cocos last night. [[as I figured.]] Instead, we got into an arguement via text message. [[ghey!]] He kept dancing around if he wanted me to come over or not. I decided I couldn't stand the way he was anymore..so I told him we shouldn't talk. He kept asking why. I told him he knew, it didn't matter. He said he didn't. So, I told him, listen I still like you. I always pretty much have. The following occured:

Him: "You told me sunday it was good to be just friends."
Me: "I know..but idk I haven't stopped liking you.."
Me: "So idk..sry."
Him: "No need to apologize I don't wanna lead you on."
Me: "I know but you already have..practically since I met you."
Him: "How so? Its not like I told you I liked you, just to hook up."
Me: "True...I guess, Idk."
Him: "I just don't wanna be thought as an a hole."
Me: "You shoulda been clear on what you wanted then..you never said thats all you wanted. But I'm out with my friend now. Lata."
Him: "I was clear, I said I didn't wanna date ((no he never did!)) and you bug out cause I'm busy and tired during the week."
Me: "Yea I know..I don't know..((way to be weird me.)) I didn't wanna like you again bc of last time.."
Him: "Whatever this is stupid. How we could we ever date? Theres already too much drama."
Me: "There isn't drama though. I'm not trying to make it that way..you just dance around shit."
Him: "I don't dance around, I've made everything clear."
Me: " If you made it clear I wouldn't chill and I wouldn't still talk to you." ((clearly cause I just didnt wanna be used for hooking up...))
Him: "Why though? You can't be my friend..this is retarded I'm glad I didn't invite you to go to the movies tomorrow."
Him: "I don't think we should hang out anymore, just be civil at car meets."
Me: "Y would you invite me to the movies, if you say I'm just a friend?

----Nothing else after that. Gay. So, ya know what I'm done. He does dance around stuff..and he has acted different. I'm sorry but if you just wanna "hook up" with someone, you don't sit there and talk to them all day everyday, say you'll go to their birthday, say you were gonna invite me to the movieess...but then bascially tell me you just enjoy hooking up with me.

I'm gonna write another post..explaining how much he's changed and I need everyones advice pleaseee. =)

0 you know you love me.: