

I really cannot believe this. Pa Lova still has not told me Happy Birthday! I know it's almost a silly thing to be upset about..but when you're "supposed" best friend doesn't even say it..it really hurts. I've been dropping hints all day. Like, wow I really don't wanna be work. She replys back, I'd just like to even have a job. When I initially texted her today, she started biitchin about how Lil B isn't paying for her tattoo anymore ((which means she cant get it)) because he had to spend more money buying a car then was initially thought.

I even went as far as to say that I was enjoying cake! She said, I just had some Ben and Jerrys. Like HELLO. Are you gonna say it? Or do I have to actually go and say, hey it's my birthday!

I don't know, it makes me uber sad. =[[ Everyone else said Happy Birthday to me on Facebook..I know she probably saw it because she was on Fb..but Idk. It bums me out uber much. =(

4 you know you love me.:

Sheri, RN said...

Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...


Hope you have a great week and year!

Bon Don said...

Awww :(

I'm sorry ... BUT!!!

Who's birthday is it!??
**hands on lap bending knees**
Who's Birthday is it today??
**big goofy gring on face**


Bon Don said...

BTW you should hit me up on Facebook!

email me at cupcakebondon@gmail and i'll give you my name (if you don't already have it)

Desert Rat said...

Happy Birthday! I hope she remembered later in the day, friends especially best friends do suck when they forget.