
Quick post: Like this day couldn't get any worsee...I happened to go on the Vortex per usual. I looked in the Absolut forum and they're all talking about going to Dubs on the Beach. Which as you all know, everyone BUT me in our little group we hang out was invited. (including this one kid who JUST started coming to the gtgs!!!!) I decided to ask PA Lova if she was going. She said yes, you going? I said nope, I was never even invited. She was like well J.Dubs just started planning it 2 days ago. C'mon everyone on the thread is talking about it..she invited 12 pple. And I'm not one of them. And of course PA Lova just says..O..Well I don't know what thats all about. Thats it. No, I'll ask J.Dubs whats up. Nope, nada. She probably doesn't even care. Awesome. I've done everything for that girl. Listened to her biitch all weeekend..let her borrow shittt..consoled her when Lil B and her got into a fight. And I get nothing in return.

So, FML, I just wanna move. Meet new people that respect me. And don't make me feel like utter shit 24/7.

1 you know you love me.:

Valerie said...

woa this picture is awesome. It's weird cuz it's dark and seems sad but so beautiful at the same time :)

If you want to meet new people i'm here. Well i'm french but we can still talk :) I'm 20something and can probably relative to many of your concerns.