
And the Winner Is...

My West Coast Mommy Bon Don has won my 200th post giveaway! Thru the very intense process on Random.org, you were all given a number (1-5) and it went in order how you left a comment. I pressed generate and ta-da! #2 was selected.

So, west coast mommy please email me with your addy so I can send you the wonderful Barnes and Nobles $25 giftcard.

And thanks to everyone who left me a comment, I promise another giveaway is in the works! And thank you again for taking the time to read my blog ((i know i biitch ALOT)) and leaving me you're kinda words! It really means alot..I hope to blog till my fingers can blog no more! ((ok maybe nott..but it was a nice thought!))


2 you know you love me.:

Desert Rat said...

Happy Friday. Congrats to Bondon!

calixta.jive. said...

yay, congrats BonDon!!!