
Getting My Act Together && Then Some...

I'm finally getting my act together. Last night I went with baberz to the bank where my paycheck comes from and opened an account and plopped 50.00 in. I'm following the advice of my friend on this to do it right this time. She told me I should build upon a cushin every week.

Which basically means, put 50.00 in, if I can keep that, up to 100.00 I can't touch and so on and so forth. And then ta-da I'll have money!!!! =)

In other self-help stuff, baberz and I are going to the gym. We are going to start going probably sometime next week. 3-4 times a week when we're just sitting around at his house, we are going to go to the gym instead! I already have the motivation, its something I am soo excccited to buy in the future.

It's a Victoria's Secret bathing suit. Why am I so excited to buy this you say? Well, because of the fact that the pattern on it, is peace signs, hearts, stars, and bunnnis. Yes lil bunnnis that look like the VW Rabbit Bunnni, just fatter and with longer ears. I could not believe it when I saw it?!

In other news, baberz has quit smoking. I am almost done with my pack, so I am going to attempt also. We figured out we spend 30.00 combined a week on cigs which equates to 1440.00, um hi, vacation much with that money? Yes please! I don't think it'll be that hard, it's just more of a habit I need to break. I can go for like 8 hrs if I have too without one. Lots of gum is what I need to chew. =)

Finally, my friend just myspaced (yes its a verb) and told me that she is moving up here to live with her boyfrann. He has been like an older bro to me since I was 16, and she's just such an awesome chick, soo I'm happy she's making the switch from PA to here! Plus, she owns a Rabbit too! Hers is 09 tho, and he's silver. His name is Roger.

Overall, everythings working out. Positive attitude and good influence def. helps!

5 you know you love me.:

Bon Don said...

Yay! A friend moving closer is always cool!

I really like that bikini it's super cute!

And last but not least I'm very proud of you for starting a savings account! That is very "Big Girl Way of thinknig!!" Just think before you know it you have vacay money and you & baberz can come to So Cal and we can totally hang out!!

and I hope you stick to the no smoking thing... just pick up a crack habit instead... way cheaper *wink wink*

Sheri, RN said...

That is awesome! I'm happy for you that everything is going so well. Positive attitude really does help things. You can so quit smoking! It will be better for your health and a vacation is a great thing to do with that money instead! Yay!

Farnnay said...

I can never put money away in my account. i have to have to have access to it. =/

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you! Good for you, love!

I wish my boyfriend would stop smoking.

Sheri, RN said...

I posted what I could about the ghost hunting investigation this weekend. :) It is below my Oscars post if you wanted to see it.